About Us

"Fresh" is our secret ingredient, "Handmade" is our special touch!
I started making handcrafted products in 2011 out of a desire to create a more natural and gentler product better suited for sensitive skin, and my acne prone skin, something more nurturing, something healthier for my skin, with emphasis on delicately treating the skin first.
These were my thoughts after I was diagnosed with an onset of adult acne, and I had gone to four different dermatologists, was prescribed, and used, acne creams, retinols, and even antibiotics, and really just out of frustration from not being able to clear my skin up, I started looking for an option through Mother Nature, and with it discovered I could make my own products, better products, with skin balancing essential oils, no artificial colorants, less or no preservatives, and wholesome natural oils, time tested ingredients, products made to order, and made fresh in small batches.
After I started using my first handcrafted soap, my skin did in fact get better, ALOT better, so I was sold, and I've never looked back, I still don't have perfect skin, but I now have healthier skin, glowing skin, and its made a huge difference in my life.
Sometimes less is really best when it comes to chemicals and ingredients that have zero skin nurturing, or enhancing content, or so this was my experience.
A lot of our hand blended skin care products are geared for acneic skin types, but with such success in this area, we've also added additional products for dry skin, for face and body as well.
We will continue to seek and create products geared with a purpose for your skin, created so you can really feel a difference when you use our handcrafted products, and actually see a difference in your skin.
We invite you to visit us at our beautiful Victorian brick & mortar shop, where make and sell our products located at 908 S Greenwood Avenue in Ft. Smith, Arkansas, open Monday-Saturday from 10am to 6pm
Come see all our in-house artisan products.
Feel free to call us if you need more information at 479-226-3156.
Yours very truly, Patrina F. Colquitt, Owner/Founder Colquitt Bath Co. est. 2011